Find our bulk dry herbs & tea availability from the list below.  You will need to order on our contact page. You will receive an invoice for payment.  Orders will be shipped to you after payment is complete.


Shipping is a flat rate of $12 per order.  All Orders over $125 receive free shipping. Order platform totals cannot be combined.


Please specify the quantity and harvest year for each bulk item ordered.

You are welcome to Contact Us via the website or email to place an order.

Dry Herb Common Name Latin Name Price per oz 2024 Harvest 2023 Harvest 2022 Harvest 2021&’20 Harvest
25% OFF 25% OFF
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum $2.75 19.60 oz 10.45 oz 6.70 oz 3 oz
Basil, Cinnamon Ocimum basilicum ‘cinnamon’ $2.25 1 oz 1 oz
Basil, Italian Ocimum basilicum $2.00 17 oz 5.6 oz 1 oz
Basil, Cardinal Ocimum basilicum $2.00 15.1 oz
Basil, Lemon Ocimum × africanum $2.25 4.5 oz 16 oz 16 oz
Basil, Thai Ocimum basilicum var. thyrsiflora $2.25 16 oz
Bachelor Button flowers Centaurea cyanus $5.50 1 oz 1 oz
Beebalm flower & leaf Monarda didyma $2.75 7.95 oz 9.85 oz 10 oz 20 oz
Beebalm flower & leaf Monarda fistulosa $3.00 3 oz 1 oz
Blackberry leaf Rubus spp. $2.00 20 oz
Borage flower & leaf Borago officinalis $5.00 1.55 oz
Burdock Leaf SOLD OUT Arctium lappa $1.75
Burdock Root SOLD OUT Arctium lappa $2.00
Calendula whole flower Calendula officinalis $4.00 1.70 oz 1 oz
Catnip Nepeta cataria $2.25 3 oz 32 oz
Celery leaf Apium graveolens $1.25 16 oz 16 oz
Chamomile SOLD OUT Matricaria recutita $5.00
Chervil Anthriscus cerefolium $2.25 3.35 oz 4 oz 4 oz
Chicory flower Cichorium intybus $5.00 2 oz
Chive Blossom Allium schoenoprasum $1.75 1.6 oz
Chives Allium schoenoprasum $2.25 5.45 oz 14.5 oz 3 oz
Cilantro SOLD OUT Coriandrum sativum $2.25
Comfrey leaf Symphytum x. $2.5 4.7 oz 4.5 oz 6 oz
Dahlia flowers (red & pink) Dahlia pinnata $4.00 6 oz
Dandelion flower Taraxacum officinale $5.00 5.10 oz
Dandelion leaf Taraxacum officinale $2.00 13.3 oz 4.25 oz
Dandelion root SOLD OUT Taraxacum officinale $2.50
Dill seed SOLD OUT Anethum graveolens $2.00
Dill weed SOLD OUT Anethum graveolens $2.25
Echinacea flower & leaf Echinacea purpurea $2.50 6.10 oz 7 oz 8 oz
Echinacea root Echinacea purpurea $3.50 10.2 oz 4.9 oz 2 oz 2 oz
Elderflower whole Sambucus nigra $2.25 6 oz
Elecampane root (2025) Inula helenium $2.00
Fennel leaf SOLD OUT Foeniculum vulgare, purpureum $2.25
Fennel seed SOLD OUT Foeniculum vulgare, purpureum $2.00
Feverfew tops Tanacetum parthenium $2.25 6.95 oz 10 oz 16 oz
Garlic Scapes, chopped Allium sativum $2.00 53 oz 19 oz
Garlic, ground (course) Allium sativum $1.75 12 oz
Goldenrod tops Solidago spp. $2.00 6 oz
Hollyhock flowers (black) Alcea rosea $5.00 10 oz
Horehound Marrubium vulgare $2.00 3.55 oz 6.45 oz 2 oz 2 oz
Horsetail Equisetum spp. $1.75 8 oz
Hyssop, true Hyssopus officinalis $2.00 7 oz 2.7 oz
Lemon balm SOLD OUT Melissa officinalis $2.25
Lemon Grass Cymbopogon citratus $1.75 20.6 oz 20 oz
Lemon Verbena Aloysia citrodora $2.50 6 oz
Lovage leaf SOLD OUT Levisticum officinale $1.75
Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria $2.50
Dry Herb Common Name Latin Name Price per oz 2024 Harvest 2023 Harvest 2022 Harvest 2021&20 Harvest
25% OFF 25% OFF
Mint, Applemint  Mentha suaveolens $2.50 1.3 oz 3 oz
Mint, Chocolate peppermint SOLD OUT Mentha piperita $2.50
Mint, Mountain mint Pycnanthemum pilosum $2.50 3.8 oz
Mint, Spearmint SOLD OUT Mentha spicata $2.50
Motherwort Leonurus cardiaca $2.00 2.85 oz 8 oz 12 oz
Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris $2.00 6.9 oz
Mullein flower Verbascum thapsus $5.00 4 oz
Mullein leaf Verbascum thapsus $2.75 4.3 oz
Nasturtium flower & leaf Tropaeolum majus $4.00 4.35 oz
Nettles Urtica dioica $2.25 14.25 oz 27.9 oz 16 oz
New Jersey Tea Ceanothus americanus $3.00 5.4 oz
Oat Straw Avena sativa $1.75 32 oz
Oats, Milky Tops SOLD OUT Avena sativa $2.50
Oregano, Greek Origanum onites $1.75 16 oz
Oregano, Common Origanum vulgare $1.75 10.2 oz 9.7 oz
Pennyroyal Mentha pulegium $1.75 1 oz
Parsley Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum $2.00 2.5 oz
Plaintain leaf Plantago Lancelata $2.25 2.3 oz
Raspberry leaf Rubus spp. $2.00
Red Clover blossoms SOLD OUT Trifolium pratense $3.75
Rose Petals SOLD OUT Rosa rugosa $6.00
Rosemary SOLD OUT Salvia rosmarinus $2.00
Sage, Culinary Salvia officinalis $1.75 19.7 oz 6.6 oz
Perilla (Korean) Perilla frutescens $2.50 11.85 oz 6 oz
Skullcap SOLD OUT Scutellaria lateriflora $3.75
St John’s Wort flowers Hypericum perforatum $5.00 6 oz
Stevia leaf Stevia rebaudiana $2.00 6 oz
Wild Strawberry leaf Fragaria vesca $2.25 8 oz
Summer Savory Satureja hortensis $2.50 8 oz
Sweet Fern Comptonia peregrina $3.00 8 oz
Sweet Cicely Myrrhis odorata $2.50 1.5 oz
Sweet Woodruff  SOLD OUT Galium odoratum $3.00
Tansy Tanacetum vulgare $2.00 4 oz
Tarragon Artemisia dracunculoides $2.25 6.35 oz 5.2 oz 4 oz
Thyme, English, or German SOLD OUT Thymus vulgaris $3.00
Tulsi, Temperate SOLD OUT Ocimum sanctum $2.50
Valerian root  SOLD OUT Valeriana officinalis $4.00
Vervain, Blue Verbena hastata $3.00 0.85 oz 4 oz
Violet flower & leaf  SOLD OUT Viola sororia $2.50
Witch Hazel bark (Winter 2025) Hamamelis virginiana $2.50
Yarrow flowers & leaf Achillea millefolium $1.75 2 oz


We offer wholesale of our shelf-ready products. We have a wholesale storefront on Meetmable.

If you prefer direct sales, please get in touch with us.


Enter the retail store to place an order for direct shipping to you. Bulk Inventory is not available at the “Retail Store”. All orders for Bulk Dry Inventory are made through our Contact Page.

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