Rose of SharonTerraBasics2020-03-07T19:37:25-05:00
Rose of Sharon is a small, woody shrub in the hibiscus family that can live here in the north. Its flowers have the striking center which is typical of flowers in the hibiscus family. We have the Blue Satin variety, which is actually a light lavender color. We have planted a pink variety in 2019 and hope to have those flowers available in 2020. Lets hope it manages the winter and the deer well. Deer love these plants too! Rose of Sharon is slow to start in the spring, almost summer before showing its sleepy leaves. It blooms later in the summer into the fall. The flowers range from 2-3″ in diameter and are three dimensional, meaning they stand up and do not lay flat.
Sold by the flower. These are usually available late summer and into fall.